Monday, November 5, 2007

Development System prepared

Some friends at Sun managed to get some hardware to my location.
Now I have running two Sun Enterprise E450 (2x Ultra-SPARC, 2 GB RAM) at my shared accommodation.
One machine is designed to run OpenSolaris for PowerPC (polaris)

At the moment I am stuck in fetching the source vis svn.
Anonymous checkout is not allowed.
I updated my profile with the proper ssh-key.
No success so far.
Continuing next weekend......

Sunday, February 11, 2007

creating cpan rpm packages

Since RedHat does deliver a very small subset of CPAN modules I made lots of RPM packages.
Sometimes the rpm addons for perl based packages which find all necessary dependencies are broken.

This is specially for test scripts that use the eval function of perl to find wether any specific package is necessary on a platform.
The find-provides and find-requires files do not honor the findings of eval.

To disable automatic requirement checking add the following lines to your spec file:

%define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
%define __find_provides /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/
%define __find_requires %{nil}


do not forget to set requires and provides manually!!

additional network routes

On RedHat things are a little different - even when switching to a newer version.

On RedHat ES 4 additional network routes are set up the following way:

- create the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-"ifacename"

add the following lines:


Welcome to unix-freak

On this site I will collect information and configuration for different UN*X based operating systems like Debian GNU/Linux, RedHat Enterprise Server, OpenSolaris and Mac OS X.